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Light's hope gold - An Intro

Why do many players clamor for means to earn fast World of War craft gold?

Let's say you've just rolled a toon - which means you've created a character, for the uninitiated - in the World of War craft. You want to be a total badass; hence, you rolled a horde. You want to strike your opponents from afar with the aid of a mighty beast you are planning to tame, so you rolled a hunter.And you begin your journey in Azeroth, starting from Kalimdor, the land of a thousand stars. You have accepted perilous quests that will help you test your strength and character, and establish your reputation in your server. Gold, Accounts & Power leveling for Light's Hope Gold — Elysium PvP, Anathema PvP and Darrow shire PvE.

After reaching level 5, you venture to one of the capital cities, and you see hundreds of characters wearing gear of absolute beauty, granting their owners with fantastic statistical boosts that make them godlike.

You begin to desire what they have.

Sadly, that will require gold. Lots and lots of Wow gold.

This is a common experience for beginners in the World of War craft. In a way, this is also an explanation for the addictive nature of the MMORPG genre: the desire to be your very best and to look your very best for all the world (of War craft) to see.

Many new players resort to gold farming guides to discover methods on how to earn fast World of War craft gold.

Some gold farming guides will tremendously help new players, but there are only a few such Wow moneymaking manuals that offer revolutionary techniques that you won't be able to find anywhere else. Don't just buy the first gold farming guide you'll encounter. Visit review websites like Gold Farming Guides to learn about the best gold farming guides available in the market today.


Being a noob isn't a bar to becoming a World of War craft millionaire. No, not by a long shot! In fact, it is even possible to earn your first thousand gold pieces before you even reach level 10. How that is for fast World of War craft gold? Here are 4 strategies any noob can use to establish financial stability in the lands of Nazareth.

Kill and loot everything you see. From levels 1 to 10, mobs don't scale well with your level, meaning any mob you see will be easy for you to kill. Additionally, the experience gain for killing these mobs would be substantial, still, unlike in latter levels where such experience gains would be negligible. Hence, kill as many mobs as you can and don't forget to loot them! Some players are simply too lazy to loot mobs because they lack bag space. Bags should be your first investments in the game. Kill, loot, and sell. Kill, loot, sell. This is the basic gold farming pattern a noob should learn.

Train for two gathering professions. Yeah, engineering is cool and blacksmithing is awesome, but they'll just be money drains later on. If you want fast World of War craft gold, train for mining and either herbalism or skinning. Copper bars, from copper ores that even a level 1 character can mine, sell for as much as 5 gold pieces per stack in some servers. It takes less than 5 minutes to run around the Barrens to gather 20 copper ores. Gathering professions are your key to earning fast World of War craft gold.

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